Standar dan standardisasi pengemasan
( 1 ) Standar Standar %3telanjang unified ketentuan untuk repetitif hal-hal and konsep. It is berbasis % 3bon the komprehensif %3hasil of silmiah, teknis and praktis %3pengalaman, and is% 26nbsp;disetujui by the kompeten otoritas and diterbitkan in a spesifik form by % 3bkonsensus of the parties concerned as the guidelines and basis for common compliance. 'Pengulangan ' is the basis untuk the generasi of standar, and it is perlu untuk merumuskan standar only ketika hal-hal have %3pengulangan. % 27Komprehensif %3prestasi of sains, teknologi and praktis %3pengalaman ' is the asis% 26nbsp;of the standar, yang is the refinement and generalisasi of science, % 3bteknologi and praktis %3pengalaman. 'Persetujuan by the kompeten otoritas setelah konsultasi ' is the proses of standar generasi, yang %3mencerminkan the silmiah and demokratis alam of the standar and the otoritas of the standar. The standar% 26nbsp;itself has its own format, and its writing, printing, format and% 26nbsp;format %3telanjang ketat =iregulasi. The standar is isued in a ' spesifik form ', %3mencerminkan the %3keseriusan and unity of the standar ; 'As a kriteria and basis for common kepatuhan ' reflects the  ;role of standar.
( 2 ) Standarisasi In Tiongkok 's nasional standar 'Standarisasi Dasar Terminologi Bagian I '  ;( GB3935.1-83 ), standarisasi is didefinisikan as : in sosial  ;praktik seperti as >konomi, teknologi, sains and manajemen, erulang hal-hal and  ;konsep %3telanjang unified melalui formulasi, rilis and %3implementasi of standar to  ;obtain the %3terbaik %3perbatasan and sosial manfaat. The tujuan of standarisasi is % 3dicapai by formulasi and implementing standar untuk erulang sesuatu and konsep in sosial% 26nbsp;praktik seperti as >konomi, teknologi, sains and manajemen. Jatuh Tempo to the  ;lebar range of standarisasi, berbeda standar and standarisasi oobjek and standar konten, often bervariasi sangat, so the spesifik standar, the tujuan of standarisasi  ;is often bervariasi, but the ultimate goal is to obtain the best  ;order in the field of standardisasi and the best benefit in society,  ;yang is the dasar mulai titik of standarisasi :ktivitas.
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